Saturday, June 16, 2012

Best friends /brothers

I love watching my boys interact! They have recently.... And slowly became best friends. I love it!! Now that korbin is old enough to really play, they are inseparable. Mind you, they don't always get along, they're still right together all day playing! Kolton is a wonderful big bro, with the occasional smack or fussing that every sibling duo has. I just wanted to document when they finally realized playing together us way more fun, than not!!! I pray they always stand by one another and are best friends!

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Monday, June 4, 2012

My kids are wild today!

I've learned that there are few solutions to days like this.... Put them in bath tub with lots of toys (while mommy reads her book in the floor), bake something and let them help (my kids love that), put in a good movie in car and drive to sonic for a dt. Coke(yup I've done that for piece and quite.... Or drop them Off at Nonna's house!!!

Today....we may do all of the kids are wild! (thank you full moon,or should I say no thank you !!)

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