Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dr. Visit update

I went through all these emotions this morning at my Dr. visit in about 30 minutes...

Lets recap first......
The past week has been a rough week. I had my first apt. with my OB last Tuesday and we had our first ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a perfect sac, but no lil' peanut inside. SO, the tech said i was only measuring about 5 weeks 2 days (less than i had calculated from my last cycle. i was thinking 9wks.) Anyways, we were concerned but told not to be, it was just to early to get on ultrasound. After that they did blood work and i went home. The next morning i got a phone call from the Dr. telling me my progesterone levels were low and needed to start taking supplements. So immediately i rushed to pharmacy and began taking the little round pill and prayed. I went back the next day for more blood work (to check my hcg levels this time). And, then on Friday i got another dreaded call from the Dr. telling me my HCG levels did rise but didn't double like they should of. So they scheduled more blood work for Monday (yesterday) and another ultrasound for Tues. (today). 
Ok, caught up...
So at todays Dr. visit i had prepared myself for the worst, but hoped for the best..while praying for peace, because i know God is in control and either way this is according to HIS PLAN for our family. 
As i lay there on the ultrasound table worrying and watching everyones faces i knew what was happening, (they still didn't see a baby in the sac). I was heartbroken. Let me add, I have not had any signs of miscarriage. Next, we were sent down to a room to see my wonderful Dr. As we waited we cried, begin coming to terms with the fact that i was no longer "pregnant", and had awkward conversation to pass the time.
Finally Dr. U walked in and began talking about how great my levels were now and how that my pregnancy is progressing good and i just keep looking her confused with tears running down my face. I could see my mom's mouth fall open and Nick beginning to smile again.  Dr. U explained to us that all my hcg levels had doubled and my progesterone was great and sometimes a baby can "hide" in the sac. Maybe because of scar tissue or other reasons a 2D ultrasound can not find it. So, now i have another ultrasound schedule next week, this time a 3D or 4D (i can't remember) and should be able to see a baby. 

I am sure your confused too...but apparently your levels don't double unless there is a baby that is growing, therefore we just have to wait and see!

I am happy and hanging onto hope!!!...but still very scared and worried!!! 
We need your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Ashley I just sat and cried when i was reading this. This is exactly how I went through when we found out we was pregnant. I to had to be put on supplements due to my progesterone being to low to sustane a pregnancy,and i was taking off of them at 12 weeks and now i am 18 weeks and baby is healthy. And my levels did the exact same way yours did. I will be praying for you and your family. I am sure everything will be just fine. If there is anything you need or what to talk to about this,I know all to well about all of this. Oh and congrats on the new baby. i am so happy for you guys.

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